maandag 1 december 2008

Going dowwwwn

Today was one of those days I sat here shaking my head and wondering what the fuck is wrong with humanity. I know, I should probably stay away from reading the news and I usually do, but once in a while I do read up on it, and the results are usually not very positive.

George Double Yuck Bush proclaimed in an interview he wants to be remembered as the man who liberated 50 million people and brought the world so much closer to peace. Ehm.. excuse me? Am I the only one feeling an almost unstoppable urge to grab the waste bin from under my desk and just puke here? Just how thick is the concrete plate in front of this guy's head? I guess the most scary part is he probably actually believes this to be true.

And then there was this guy, just an ordinary guy like you and me, making a living by working at Walmart. And on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving when all the big sales start in the US, he was at work. A crowd had gathered outside, people eager to be the first to benefit, and so when the doors opened they all rushed in, pushing and screaming and pulling, like a stampede, unstoppable. Once they had made their way into the store, our friendly Walmart employee and several other people were on the floor, trampled, bleeding. The other people were injured.. but our friendly Walmart dude.. was dead. Later on a Walmart spokesperson speaking to the press called the whole thing "an unfortunate event".

I can go on, and on, and on. Someone got shot because of a dispute over a parking spot. A 49 year old woman drove a 16 year old girl to suicide by pestering and humiliating her over the Internet, pretending to be a 16 year old boyfriend. Someone raped a horse with a stick, causing so much damage the animal, very slowly and very painfully, bled to death.

Where do all these animals pretending to be human come from? No, let me rephrase that. Not even the cruelest of predators amongst the animals would ever act like this. They kill because they need to survive, not out of greed, hunger for power, an inflated ego or just because they can.

It makes me sick to my stomach. Angry, but primarily tremendously sad. Just the fact these things happen everywhere and on a daily basis, but even moreso the fact we have gotten used to it and most of us don't even think twice about it.

I know I'm supposed to keep fighting, keep inspiring and awakening and believing. It's what I do. But on days like this, I would love to simply hand back my orders to whatever deity is in charge of resignations, tell the planet to go fuck itself and be done with it.

Oh well. To paraphrase Terry Pratchett; The fact we are outnumbered only means it's gonna take a bit longer to conquer the city. I guess it's true. But right now.. if anyone wonders where I am.. you can find me with my head in my waste basket.

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