Conversation with my wonderful friend Mikael.. one of few who doesn't run when confronted with the way my mind works
P laughs and tickles you. The women in your life will soon rule your world :)
M: they always did
P: Nothing wrong with that
M: hahaha !!!
M: forgot to add "at least they think so" !!!
P: well, big secret: we women play the same trick with men
P: amazing how many relationships thrive on "really? that's interesting dear" and “you are right, dear"
M: hahaha !!!
M: maybe it's because you don't understand what men say
P: ultimately it all boils down to one of two things: shut up and leave me alone (because I'm busy doing something I enjoy) or: shut up, let's have sex
M: hahaha !!!
P: everything else is either polite ways of getting the same message across.. or foreplay
M: interesting subject
P: hmm maybe there is a third: shut up, I'm hungry
P: so basically the manual to dealing with men is simple. If he has an erection: have sex with him. If he doesn't have an erection but is clearly having fun.. leave him alone.. if he doesn't have an erection but seems restless.. make him food
P: oh and if he's having an erection and he's clearly having fun: either kick the other man/woman out of your bed, or join them there
P: now pondering how restaurants were invented.. must have something to do with finding multiple people in your bed, without any erections
M: excellent