vrijdag 27 februari 2009

Stop whining, start fighting for it

Let's face it.. we are suffering from a global depression. And no, I don't just mean the financial crisis that is hitting hard everywhere. All around me, I can hear people complaining about virtually anything. Global warming, the arctic ice melting, terrible weather lately, religious differences, political issues.. and the list goes on and on and on. Usually, the response to someone mentioning these things is something along the line of "I know.. it's terrible". And that's it. We acknowledge the facts, and go back to sleep.

But what are we going to do about it? Ask this question and you'll get a "Who me? well nothing, what can I do?" For starters, you can stop complaining. It doesn't help, and it only enhances the facts. By mentioning these things over and over again, we only strengthen the negative energy that has us caged, making us feel helpless and on the verge of disaster. Once you have freed up the energy you have so far used to complain and feel miserable, you can start doing something useful with it. Try opening up your mind for a change. Realize there's an awful lot you can do. And it all starts with a positive attitude. Once you manage to do that, you will radiate positive energy and become an inspiration to others around you. Look at the word: inspiration. Put the spirit back in people.. awaken their soul, their core being.

And no, I don't mean religion. Although religion can be a great source of inspiration for people it has also brought us lots of misery. Because most religious people tend to both derive inspiration from their own religion but also: condemn those who believe otherwise, which is a big source of negative energy. Having a truly open mind means: Sure I believe in God/Allah/Jahweh/Oogabullah... not because I am a part of your religion, but because I see them as very useful sources of positive energy for those who believe in them. And whatever works for people, gives them hope, inspires them.. exists because of that very fact alone. How could I possibly tell anyone something they derive so much positive energy from, does not exist?

It is time for us to stop focusing on our problems and differences and start fighting for what is truly important. Bring back inspiration, bring back hope, stop being a part of the problem, be a part of the solution! Each and every one of us can bring a little bit of light to this world. By ourselves, we may be nothing but a tiny candle. But pictures millions of candles being lit all over the planet.. and behold, we have a glow that can be seen from the moon.

Next time you're about to whine, respond to someone in a negative way, put someone down because they don't meet your expectations.. think twice and say something positive or nice, instead. Whenever you feel the planet is going to bits: look at all the beautiful things that are out there, like in the video I linked here. I can go on, but I think you get the general idea. I just wanted to share this, because I think it's important but also to remind myself. Have a wonderful weekend!

zaterdag 7 februari 2009

A farewell

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zondag 1 februari 2009

Cold Turkey

Two days ago, both Ron and I quit smoking. Without any pills or patches or whatever, just the good old fashioned cold turkey method. So far, I'm doing fairly well, although I will admit I have my difficult moments countless times a day. Much to my own surprise it's not even the wanting to smoke I am having a hard time with. It's the side effects that annoy me to no end, and primarily the concentration problems.

I'm usually the type whose mind can easily perform multiple complicated tasks at once, I'm very organised and verbally strong. Now, the simplest things like making lunch or folding laundry take me forever, because halfway through I'll forget who wanted what or I'll stand with the one blue sock in my hand, just not seeing the other one that goes with it, then forgetting I need the second blue sock alltogether. I'll walk into a room to fetch that ehm.. yes.. what am I doing here? Or, and this one particularly bugs me: I'll forget I was talking to someone online in mid conversation, go do something else and then when they go "hello?" because I'm not responding I'll reply with a happy "Hi!" before realizing I was already talking to them before.

Apart from a bit demented I am also constantly restless, and even though I am in a great mood I just know that should anyone rub me the wrong way I am quite likely to snap.

And so I just hope I manage to make it through the first difficult weeks without caving in and without damaging my relationships with people I care about too much. I'm really not being a bitch or unattentive on purpose.. just a junkie going cold turkey to get rid of her addiction. Please, cut me some slack, okay?